5 Ways to Thicken Your Lawn

As a homeowner, it is not uncommon to dream of a beautiful, thick, green, and well-manicured lawn. And it is not for nothing. An appealing yard is a comparatively easy and inexpensive way to enhance the value of your home and bestow that much desired “curb appeal.” Also, a thick and beautiful lawn is an indicator that the soil within your property is healthy, free of pests, and is designed for proper drainage.

Now, we need to address the problem first. If your lawn does not have vibrancy, thickness, and uniform color, the cause could be several factors. While some of these issues are simple fixes, others may require more attention and care.

Some Common Lawn Issues

Too much sun or shade in your lawn

The wrong kind of grass seed being planted

Dry or bare patches caused by fungi and grass pests

Drainage and soil problems 

·         Too Much of Sun

If there is too much sun, consider watering at cooler times of the day, such as the early morning or evening, when the sun is not as strong. Avoid cutting your grass too short. Remember that slightly longer grass blades can help in protecting the soil beneath from drying out. Also, use the correct type of fertilizers as well as lawn care treatments that are specialized for heat and the sun.

·         Too Much of Shade

Prune the bushes and trees that are creating an excess of shade and literally blocking out the sunshine. Plan a grass type in your shady lawn that has more tolerance for shade. Do not cut your grass too short as bigger grass blades offer more surface area for the grass to absorb sun rays.

·         The Wrong Grass Seed was Planted

Some specific types of grass will fare better in certain soils and climates. So, if your grass is not growing as expected, perhaps you have the wrong kind of grass seed that is planted. Make sure you are aware of what is in the seeds you’re purchasing or verify with your lawn care professional to ensure you know exactly what’s in the bag.

·         Dry Patches Caused by Pests

Unfortunately, this problem could be a bit complicated. There are many types of pests and fungi that can degrade the health of your lawn. You are likely to need a professional to help you detect the cause of these problems and treat them effectively. Once you’ve pinpointed the issues affecting your yard, you can implement the correct steps to lessen and remove these fungi and pests.

·         Drainage and Soil Problems

Generally, drainage issues are easy to spot. If your yard is soggy and the puddles refuse to or take a long time to disappear, or the grass is growing faster and thicker than the surrounding areas, the drainage may have to be fixed. Consider creating certain structures or having your yard redesigned so that the issue is addressed.

Ways to Improve Your Lawn

1.   Aerate Your Lawn

For most people, their lawn is the most used area of your landscaping. This is especially true if there are kids or pets around. In such a scenario, with time the soil underneath your grass can turn extremely compact. Even the weekly task of mowing your lawn can lead to soil compaction. Compacted soil leads to problems in air circulation, water drainage as well as nutrient absorption. Also, beneficial soil organisms like earthworms cannot establish in hard and compacted soil. To green up your grass and turn your turf healthier and more vibrant, choose to aerate your lawn regularly.

For lawn aeration, you have to punch holes throughout the area to about 3 inches deep. With regular lawn aeration, your grass gets a proper medium to grow in, thanks to loose soil and improved air circulation. Your grass will use water and nutrients in a better manner. Additionally, micro-organisms can establish themselves in your soil and contribute to the breaking down of any thatch buildup. There are many methods to aerate your lawn. You can rent a big aerating machine or use an ordinary handheld aerating tool. For those with small- and medium-sized lawns, a handheld aerating tool can suffice. Consider aerating your lawn approximately once a year.

2.   Use Natural Fertilizers

Consider using natural fertilizers over synthetic lawn fertilizers as they are better for your grass, the environment, and have been found to work more effectively than synthetics. Indeed, natural fertilizers lead to greener lawns than synthetics. Additionally, natural fertilizers are more healthy for your family as well as the environment.

3.   Cut Your Grass to the Correct Height

Being aware of what height to cut your grass is a vital way to make your grass grow in a healthy and strong way. Setting your lawnmower to the lowest or highest setting may not always be the best thing for your grass. In fact, separate grass species have equally different needs when it comes to grass cutting height. Also, try to keep the blades on your lawnmower sharp so that the grass is cut effectively. A reel mower that cuts the grass in the manner of a pair of scissors instead of tearing it like conventional rotary lawnmowers create healthier grass in general. 

4.   Compost Your Garden Waste for Greener Grass

Opt for composting your garden waste and grass clippings as this is an excellent way to lower waste as well as help your lawn grow. You could also compost waste from your kitchen. Mixing compost into your soil is one of the most effective ways to green up your grass, along with all your garden plants. Compost has a number of other benefits, such as improving the water drainage in sandy and clayey soils, slowly releasing plant nutrients and stimulating root growth, preventing topsoil erosion, recycling kitchen and garden waste instead of sending it to the landfill, balancing the pH level of the soil, and drawing beneficial worms, insects, and other organisms. Indeed, composing is one of the most rewarding processes.

5.   Water Your Lawn Less Frequently and More Deeply

Turning your sprinkler on for just a few minutes a few times a week really won’t do much to help your lawn. For a healthier lawn, you need to water your grass deeply and less frequently. If you water less often and deeply, the roots of your grass will begin to grow deeper down into the soil. This enables your grass to stay green during times of drought or severely hot weather. According to experts, you should water your grass with 1 inch of water, once per week. This, of course, can differ depending on your local soil type, weather conditions, and grass species.

How do you determine if you are watering your plants with 1 inch of water? Consider a simple test. Put a row of shallow containers across your lawn and then turn on your sprinklers. Keep watering until you can measure 1 inch of water in most of the containers.

So, there you go. All you need to know about creating a thicker and more vibrant lawn. Are you ready to transform your lawn for the better? Well, then it’s time to show the world what your lawn is worth! And for the nitty-gritty of lawn care, feel free to take the help of experts.